Event News


5. Summer Charity Campaign –Back to School

The Foundation was grateful to have the support from Sun Hung Kai Real Estate Agency Limited- East Point City for supporting this event and special thanks must be given to other supporting partners such as TSL, NowTV, Universal Music, Arte Jewelry, S.Culture, Image Marketing Limited, LightMac, EMC, DMK, Lollipopia, Masterpiece PR Asia Limited, Securstar Limited. More than 500 entries of B.Ducks were received throughout the period of competition from a wide range of organizations. The judges found themselves facing a judging dilemma as they could only choose 26 finalists. All the finalist entries will be displayed in an exhibition at East Point City before Chinese New Year 2015. The Foundation also invited famous actor Mr. Lai Yiu Cheung as guest of honour to present scholarships to 15 outstanding primary school students going into high school. Mr. and singer Lam Yik Pong were also invited to present awards to Fortune Duck design winners.






